Publications  |  Spiritual States

This category of Sufi literature deals with the inward transformations and transmutations that the travelers undergo on the way to God. In the classical terminology of Sufism, these spiritual experiences are summarized under the heading of the "stations" (maqamat) and the "states" (ahval). In the following volumes, Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh has gathered together the writings of a number of great Sufi masters concerning a number of these stations and states. These writings contain important teachings that every Sufi should have knowledge of so that he may compare his own inward experiences with those described by the masters and thus not fall into error in the perception of his own situation.

Many titles may be ordered on-line, through KNP's affiliation with Wholesale inquiries and other communications may be directed to:

Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications
306 West 11th Street
New York, New York 10014-2369

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